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Incredible Reads

Thirteen Reasons Why

If you have not had a chance to read this book or have never heard of it, all my middle and high school teachers need to go to your closest device and download Thirteen Reasons Why (or if you are like me, I still like the good, ‘ole paperback).
One of my 8th grade students presented this book as their summer reading project, and my entire class was hooked, included myself.  I immediately went home and downloaded the book on my Kindle, and that night read for hours.  If you want a book that you cannot put down, this is it. Over the year, this book caught fire, and I had boys and girls all reading this book.
I recommend this book to my 8th graders or students who are older, as some of the content is colorful.  In a nutshell, this book is about a girl who commits suicide (you don’t know how she does it, nor do you ever find out, and the author focuses on the subject of suicide very little). She leaves behind thirteen tapes, for the thirteen people who played a role in her demise, and these people are not necessarily negative influences, which makes the book even more riveting.
In my class, I often bring in many social and character building lessons, including, what you say to person can affect their life forever, positively or negatively. Words stay with us forever, and we never forget what people say to us. This is the central theme throughout 13 Reasons Why.

Happy Reading! I promise, you will be hooked!

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