Happy end of the year for many of you, and happy summer for those who have already started their glorious summer. I have five more days left (YAY), and I am typing this as I watch 25 sixth graders take their math final!
I am wrapping up the end of the year like many of you; however, you might think I am crazy I have ideas and goals already for next year! Most people are thinking about the beach, vacations and sitting by their pools; nevertheless, my brain NEVER stops. I am alway thinking of new, modified and better ways to do and implement things in my classroom. So what goals do I already have for the 2017-2018 school year? You wouldn’t believe it…
A Janette Snelson recommended Grammar to Get Things Done:
E. Stephanie Hughes Ruback has been using Phyllis Hostmeyer’s, Tools Students Need to Be Skillful Writers: Building Better Sentence Patterns, and she has been using this book for 12 years and absolutely LOVES IT!
F. Need some resourceful online grammar resources? Lauralee Epplin Moss wrote an amazzzing blog series about grammar and implementing it into the classroom. You have to check it out!
2. Chalkboard Bulletin Board-I have a small bulletin board in my room which probably is about 3ft x 3ft in size, right by my door. I really never know what to do with it because it is not large enough to have an entire class worth of projects displayed on it, and sometimes it is just wasted space, though last week, a brilliant idea came to mind.
On my front white board, I always write the quote of the week-a motivational, sometimes curriculum related quotation. Recently, I purchased this fantastic book on learning how to write in chunky calligraphy with markers and pens. You have to check it out! I already started practicing, and you will love it!
I decided when I go back in Septemeber, I am going to buy chalkboard paint and paint the bulletin board in the paint-