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Interactive Notebooks

Sharing the Trials & Tribulations of Interactive Notebooks (ISN)

September 19, 2015
The 2014-15 school year was the first time I ever dove into Interactive Notebooks.  I have learned so much from the process, and there are definitely changes I am going to make going forward.  Since it is the dawn of a new school year, I decided to share my experiences with you from beginning to end!
First, here are some websites you need to check out if you have never set up Interactive Notebooks:
One of the first steps to creating an Interactive Notebook is collecting the supplies. Here is what you are going to want your students to bring into class:
1. 4-5 Subject Spiral Notebook-Some of the teachers use the small marble notebooks, but for the middle school classroom, you are going to want to have a notebook that has more than 4 areas.  I divide my ISNs into the follow sections: Non-Fiction, Literature, Vocabulary/Grammar & Writing
2. Glue Sticks (For school & Home)-I had the students use the Elmer’s glue last year, but quickly learned that pages stuck together, glue tops wouldn’t open, and Elmer’s glue can be messssssy.
3. Pen/Pencil Holder (Cloth)-Last year, I tried to take some of the expense off my parents by providing my students gallon-size plastic bags.  Yes, it was nice of me, big quickly, they tore, ripped and supplies were all over.  
4.  Scissors-Have your students purchase a nice pair of scissors to keep in their pen/pencil holders.
5. Colored Pencils-This is something I would not change from last year. Color pencils work great!
***Make sure to buy yourself your own supplies and notebook so that you can create the notebooks with your students and model it for them***
Interactive Notebook
September-Part 1

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Interactive Notebooks

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