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Character analysis is an important aspect of reading a novel or piece of literature. It allows the reader to delve into a character’s decisions, actions and feelings. Here are two character analysis posters you can use over and over again with different pieces of literature!
This Character Analysis Collaborative Poster and Literary Analysis activity allows the reader to delve into a character’s decisions, actions, and feelings. Here are two character analysis posters you can use over and over again with different pieces of literature! Not only are you receiving the worksheets, but your students can work in groups and collaborate on the character. They then can put their pieces together, color, and create the poster! These will look beautiful hung in your classroom.
The Character Analysis Collaborative Poster and Literary Analysis activity explores direct and indirect character traits, notable quotes, and memorable moments.
☀In this Character Analysis Collaborative Poster and Literary Analysis activity, you are receiving:☀
☆2 8 ½ x 11” Character Worksheets (Boy & Girl)
☆2 22” x 17” Posters (1 Girl & 1 Boy-Just tape and hang!)
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