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Close Reading Activities Bundle

This Close Reading Activities Bundle includes 7 different products that will help and successfully have your students close reading!


This Close Reading Activities Bundle includes 6 different products that will help and successfully have your students close reading! Overall, these  products, combined, have over 115 slides, and if sold individually, would total over $30.00.

Included in this Close Reading Activities bundle is:

“Chunking” Text-

Chunking is a technique used to close read pages of text, a section of the text, or break down an article or chapter. This technique has the students look closely at these particular sections, and summarize, analyze and interpret what they read. Overall, It is a great comprehension technique and activity for our struggling readers.

Included is:

1. What is Chunking?

2. Chunking a Chapter-Model & Example Post-it Notes

3. Chunking Template to use with Post-It Notes-Chapters

4. Example of Chunking an Article-Model & Examples

5. Article & 2 Templates for Your Students

6. Chunking a Poem-Model & Examples

7. Poem and Template for Chunking a Poem

Annotating Text-Lesson, Model, Application

*Teaching students to close read is one of the major components of the Common Core, and teaching students to do it correctly, is at times, a challenge.

*In this bundle, I tried to simplify the annotation process with clear-cut directions, modeling, and application for the students. The students will learn how to use common symbols to annotate. In addition, there are slides for teaching students how to “chunk” information.

Included in this bundle are the following:

1. Introduction to Annotating: I included my introduction ditto that explains what annotating is and the symbols that are used to annotate.

2. 11-Slide PowerPoint Presentation-This PowerPoint presentation goes side-by-side with the Introduction Sheet, as well as line-by-line animation in annotating a piece of text (ditto of text is included).

3. “Courage to Go to School” Scholastic Article-Teacher Model

4. “Killer Fries” Scholastic Article-Application for students

5. Teaching students to “Chunk” Information

80 Reader Response Questions-Entrance/Exit Tickets

Entrance and exit tickets are used to assess students’ learning, review skills, assess comprehension, or have the students respond to text. You can hand them out at the beginning of class to review skills from the previous day or at the end of class to assess students’ learning and comprehension. They can be collected so that teachers can evaluate student learning.

In this bundle is:

80 ready-to-print Entrance/Exit Reader Response Questions Tickets.

These tickets are Common Core Aligned, and they ask the students to dive into the text.

No Prep, 2-Minute Close Reading Tasks


As most teachers know, there are always those two minutes of class (sometimes five minutes), where attendance is taken or homework is checked. Rather than just letting the students sit and idle, teachers like to fill this time with a short assignment that can engage their students for a short period of time, but also give an activity that will not take a whole lot of time.

Here are 30 2-Minute Close Reading Tasks, which range from the author’s purpose, literary devices, figurative language, central idea, and making inferences.

*The texts provided are excerpts from classic literature, fables, short stories, and songs.

*These are created on half sheets to take up minimal space in students’ notebooks, and they also can be glued into interactive notebooks.

*Each activity comes with two tasks, where students can answer the questions in the boxes provided and highlight the task if asked.

*One of the main purposes behind the Common Core is for students to support their thinking with text-based evidence. Each of these tasks asks the student to support their thinking with lines from the provided texts.

*Teachers can create anchor charts for the answers, use them in a group discussion, or use these as exit slips.

30 Text-Dependent Questions-Lamination & Ready to Print Post It Notes

Interactive Reading Bookmark

This Interactive Reading Bookmark is a tri-fold bookmark (front and back) that is  applicable to any piece of literature. The bookmark contains annotation symbols and text-text, text-to-self, and text-to-world questions to ask themselves.

On the inside of the bookmark are three duplicate spaces (for three chapters) where the students can write the gist of the chapter, choose an unfamiliar word and make context clue connections, and a text connection section. In addition, there is space for the title of the book, the author, and the students’ names.

*You can duplicate this bookmark over and over for an entire novel.

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