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The Anne Frank Digital Expedition will be the perfect addition to your Diary of Anne Frank unit. This engaging, digital, pre-reading activity will be a great introduction for your students to learn about Anne Frank.
In this Anne Frank Digital Expedition and virtual field trip, you students will fill out a KWL chart, explore Amsterdam, Holland on Google Earth, discover how far they live from Holland using Google Maps, watch a short video about Anne Frank from www.annefrank.org, and learn facts about her. There is also an extension activity where your students can take a tour of the annex. This expedition is extremely interactive and contains links back and forth to Google Slides.
Each of the activities has questions your students can type right in the boxes provided, and they can return their expedition to you via Google Classroom. The activity is meant to take 25-30 minutes. This is perfect for distance learning.
1. Learning About Anne Frank- Digital Expedition EDU (Google Slides)
2. Answer key for the questions from the videos
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