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This awesome product will help your students understand the technique of citing information thoroughly and comprehensively. I created this product with two intentions in mind. First, you can use these resources to teach and review citations while working on a piece of literature, poetry, or figurative language unit. Secondly, you can use these resources to aid your Reader’s Workshop or teach a Reader’s Workshop lesson.
This Citing Information product will help your students understand the technique of citing information thoroughly and comprehensively. I created this product with two intentions in mind. First, you can use these resources to teach and review citations while working on a piece of literature, poetry, or figurative language unit. Secondly, you can use these resources to aid your Reader’s Workshop or teach a Reader’s Workshop lesson.
Included in this 26+-page product, you are receiving:
Teaching Students to Understand the Technique and Skill of Citing Information
*Designed for Reader’s Workshop
*Includes Detailed Set-Up for Reader’s Workshop-Common Core Standards, Learning Targets, Essential Question/s
*Teacher’s Notes and Suggestions of anchor texts as well as what to do pre-reading, during, and post-reading.
*Poster and Quick Reference Sheet for your Students’ Notebooks
*3 Practice Worksheets
*8 Task Cards with a Worksheet
*Note Catcher for Citing Information Worksheet for any piece of Literature!
*Application/Assessment Worksheet
Your students will have a thorough understanding of this term by the end of these lessons!
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Permission to copy for single classroom use only.
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Yes, yes, yes! For every $1 you spend on this site, you receive points to use for future purchases :).
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