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This 8 ½ x 11 The Diary of Anne Frank flip book will fit perfectly into your students’ binders, and it is a great study and review resource.
]The Diary of Anne Frank Flip Book includes 7 pages of jammed-packed questions that include:
*Close reading,
*Pulling and analyzing quotations,
*Determining the author’s purpose and themes,
*Evaluating plot structure,
*Analyzing characters and setting.
*The product also includes suggestions and assessment ideas for the flipbook, a glossary of figurative and literary terms, and complete instructions for assembling the book.
The flipbook can be used as an assessment, group or individual work. It is extremely easy to assemble, and you can assign students to color their flipbooks; however, if you are strapped for time, it can just be a general review resource.
**This is a nice change from regular review sheets!**
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