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Winter Poetry-Word Choice & Imagery Activity

Any teacher who has taught a poetry unit has always run into these problems with many of their students: 1. They don’t like writing poetry, and 2. the students do not know what to write about. Many of them hit a brick wall when it comes to finding a subject to write about, especially when they have to be expressive and draw off their emotions; hence, this is how I came up with the lesson, “Playing with Words”. I actually created this lesson a while back, and it was one of the ways on how I secured my job in teaching. This was my demo lesson!


This Winter Poetry- Word Choice & Imagery Activity will get your students excited about writing poetry and using imagery in their writing! Any teacher who has taught a poetry unit has always run into these problems with many of their students: 1. They don’t like writing poetry, and 2. the students do not know what to write about. Many of them hit a brick wall when it comes to finding a subject to write about, especially when they have to be expressive and draw off their emotions; hence, this is how I came up with the lesson, “Playing with Words”. I actually created this lesson a while back, and it was one of the ways how I secured my job in teaching. This was my demo lesson!

The Winter Poetry-Word Choice & Imagery Activity is designed to take the writer’s block out of writing poetry, teach students how to use vivid words to create imagery in their poetry, and literally, have “fun” with words by moving and manipulating them.

This Winter Poetry-Word Choice & Imagery Activity includes-

1. Entire lesson-Common Core Standards and “I Can” Statement

2. Detailed lessons with pictures

3. Four pages of winter words-verbs, adjectives, nouns, etc.

4. Word Key

5. Templates for the final product

Your students will love this!

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