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Has Fortnite taken over your classroom as it has mine? This is all my students talk about, and if there is a second of downtime, they are talking about their levels, successes, Snapchat photos, and everything that comes with this game! I thought I would turn this crazy fad that is taking over our classrooms into a learning experience and a teachable moment!
This Fortnite Article & Comprehension Activity is the perfect activity for students to practice argumentative writing and reading comprehension. Has Fortnite taken over your classroom as it has mine? This is all my students talk about, and if there is a second of downtime, they are talking about their levels, successes, Snapchat photos, and everything that comes with this game! I thought I would turn this crazy fad that is taking over our classrooms into a learning experience and a teachable moment!
The Fortnite Article & Comprehension Activity includes a three-page article (”Fortnite-Addiction or Amusement?”) on the controversy of Fortnite, and it observes both sides of the argument about the video game. Included with the article, I created 8 multiple choice questions, along with a short-answer question. There are many extensions you can add to this article!
This Fortnite Article & Comprehension Activity also includes distance learning & Google Classroom ready materials and resources.
The Fortnite Article & Comprehension Activity includes:
A. Fortnite article- “Fortnite-Addiction or Amusement?” PDF
B. Comprehension Questions & Short Answer Question- PDF
C. Answer Key
D. Graphic Organizer for the Debate-PDF
E. Argument Writing Template & Worksheet
F. Distance Learning/Google Classroom Version Included
Your students will be totally intrigued by this article, and you will have your students completely focused and engaged with this activity!
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