POINTS, OH MY! For every purchase, you will receive points. $1 = 1 point. 50 points = $5 off!
Has Fortnite taken over your classroom as it has mine? This is all my students talk about, and if there is a second of downtime, they are talking about their levels, successes, Snapchat photos, and everything that comes with this game! I thought I would turn this crazy fad that is taking over our classrooms into a learning experience and a teachable moment!
This Fortnite Reading Activities Bundle will definitely get your students attention as they work on reading comprehension! Has Fortnite taken over your classroom as it has mine? This is all my students talk about, and if there is a second of downtime, they are talking about their levels, successes, Snapchat photos, and everything that comes with this game! I thought I would turn this crazy fad that is taking over our classrooms into a learning experience and a teachable moment!
I wrote a three-page article (”Fortnite-Addiction or Amusement?”) on the controversy of Fortnite, and it observes both sides of the argument about the video game. Included with the article, I created 8 multiple choice questions, along with a short-answer question. There are many extensions you can add to this article!
A. Fortnite article- “Fortnite-Addiction or Amusement?”
B. Comprehension Questions & Short Answer Questions
C. Answer Key
D. Graphic Organizer for the Debate
E. JUST ADDED IT! 4/3/18-Argument Writing Template & Worksheet
Your students will be totally intrigued by this article, and you will have your students completely focused and engaged with this activity!
F. Fortnite Escape Room
Fortnite is what our kids are raging about right now, in and out of the classroom. They absolutely LOVE this game, so why not incorporate it into the classroom while practicing reading comprehension? Kids are really engaged in relevant information, and this cannot get any more relevant! Getting ready for state testing or do just want to review some reading comprehension skills? This is it!
This digital escape room covers the following reading comprehension skills-
*Author’s Purpose
*Drawing Conclusions
*Main Idea
*Fact & Opinion
*Figurative Language
*Cause & Effect
*Words in Context
This escape room includes:
*A “Start Here” Narrative
*A Google Form with 6 Reading Comprehension Questions
*A Puzzle (Please make sure you have access to jigsawplanet.com)
*Short Excerpt 1-Reading Comprehension Questions for the Passage
*Word Reveal-Reading Comprehension Terms
*Short Excerpt 2-Reading Comprehension Questions for the Passage
*Four Location Locks
MAKE SURE YOUR DISTRICT DOES NOT BLOCK YOU FROM USING JIGSAWPLANET.COM or PROPROFS.com. THERE IS A LINK TO THESE SITES IN THE ESCAPE ROOM. I am not responsible if your district blocks these websites, and I suggest you test these sites first!
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