Engaging grammar ideas and grammar activities for the middle school classroom are not always easy to find. A teacher has to really sell grammar to middle school students. It is not a popular subject among teens. I compiled a variety of ideas for your classroom. Let’s take a look at engaging grammar ideas for the middle school ELA classroom.
Grammar Practice Websites
No Red Ink- No Red Ink has writing and grammar activities for your students, so they can practice their skills. This website contains diagnostic tests, practice, and quizzes to assess your students’ learning. You can assign the assignments right to them through Google. The free version is limited on activities.
Quill– I like Quill.org best when it comes to assigning grammar activities. First, they have a better selection of free content, and Quill allows you to assign independent practice and whole-class practice. In addition, they have diagnostic tests, and the teacher has the ability to create their own practice activities. Quill links right to your Google Classroom.
Engaging Grammar Ideas
Grammar Competitions-Put the parts of a sentence on pieces of colored construction paper. Mix the cards up, and give each student a card. When you say “go”, have the students try to put themselves in a complete, organized sentence. This grammar activity will have your students moving and thinking.
Celebrity Tweets & Posts- Find popular celebrity tweets or social media posts, and have the students grammatically diagram the sentences.
Here are some engaging grammar ideas and activities I use in my own classroom:
Nouns Colorful Comprehension Review & Color Activity
Adjectives Colorful Comprehension Review & Color Activity
Other Helpful Lessons & Ideas for Your Classroom
The Best Novels for the Middle School Classroom
Genius Hour & Learning in Your Classroom
I hope these resources are helpful for your classroom!