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Engaging ELA Websites for Distance Learning

Engaging ELA Websites

Teachers are on the hunt for engaging ELA websites for their middle school English Language Arts students. Because of distance learning, teachers are scouring the Internet. They are trying to find a variety of lessons and activities to make the distance learning experience interesting and appealing. Teachers want to give their students a variety of online resources that assesses and reviews a variety of ELA skills-grammar, spelling, punctuation, reading skills and writing-while engaging and piquing their interest.

Below, I compiled a list of engaging ELA websites I have been using in my own distance learning experience.

ELA Websites & Resources for Middle School ELA Students

Quill.org-This is one of my favorite engaging digital websites I am using with my students in their distance learning experience. Quill gives students the opportunity to practice their grammar, mechanics and editing skills. If you are using the Google Classroom platform, you can easily upload your students, and assign the lessons using the Classroom.

Actively Learn-Out of all the reading websites like NewsELA, CommonLit, and such, this is one I really like because the articles are a bit more relevant and engaging for middle school students.

IXL-IXL offers a variety of skills for any subject; however, you can have your students take a diagnostic test, and focus on specific ELA skills with them. IXL is offering their premium membership free for 30 days.

EdPuzzle-EdPuzzle is an engaging video website. Teachers can assign videos with questions, and EdPuzzle pushes out the videos into Google Classroom.

Writable-This websites allows teachers to build purposeful, proficient writers while saving time on grading and prep. Teachers can choose from 600+ customizable assignments and prompts or create your own, then assign to start growing great writers. This is Google Classroom friendly! This website is currently free to teachers.

Teaching Tolerance -Teaching Tolerance has great lessons on inclusion, diversity, and tolerance.

I hope these websites are helpful in your exploration in digital and remote teaching.

Digital ELA Resources for Distance Learning

Here are some of my digital English Language Arts resources I have created for my own classroom and digital learning:

Digital TikTok Article
Digital TikTok Article

I hope these websites are helpful to you, and if you have any questions about any of the websites or my resources, please always feel free to email me at englishohmy@gmail.com.

Kim Crouch, English Teacher & Teacher-Author

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