Hi Everyone!
I have teamed up with some fantastic Teacher-Authors to create the
1st Edition
Interactive Notebook eBook
Available February 10th, 2016
The Teacher-Authors in the eBook discuss why they love Interactive Notebooks, their students’ favorite Interactive Notebook lesson, a teacher hack, their favorite resource, and the Teacher-Author who inspires them! In addition, the teachers have included one of their Interactive Notebook lessons/foldables for FREE! Come and grab 12 FREEBIES!
Here are the teachers who are participating in this eBook! Click on the picture to link to the PDF, and check out their stores-
All of the teachers have invested time and creativity into their submissions, and I am so grateful for all of their hard work.
Enjoy the eBook, and be sure to hop around to the teacher’s stores, and leave feedback.
Post Views: 1,125
Looks amazing!
Thank you so much for putting this together!
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