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Teaching Diversity in the Classroom

Teaching diversity in the classroom

February begins Black History Month. It is a perfect time to teach diversity in the classroom. In addition, it is a great time to review tolerance, acceptance and diversity. Having an open conversation about these topics with your students is essential. Unfortunately, social injustices, prejudices and stereotyping take place on a daily basis.  Students see these occur in their daily lives, in school, in the news, on TV and in the movies. How are you covering these topics?

Having students feel welcome in your classroom is vital. Teachers show this by celebrating other cultures, religions, nationalities and personal decisions. Creating lessons and activities on tolerance and diversity is powerful. It helps create a comfortable classroom and well-rounded students.

Are you looking for ideas for your classroom? Check them out here-Here are some lessons that can help you teach tolerance and diversity.

Breaking Down Stereotypes & Prejudices

Product Description:

Are you reading The Outsiders, To Kill a Mockingbird, The Hate You Give, Dear Martin, or any other piece of literature dealing with tolerance, prejudices, racism and stereotyping? Are you teaching these topics in your history class? This social experiment will open your students’ eyes to the injustices that take place on a daily basis and why people need to be educated on these topics.

This product includes: A full lesson with Common Core Standards; Pre-Lesson, Lesson, and Post Lesson Worksheets; Social Experiment Images; Google Slides Version Included

Teaching Tolerance

Product Description:

First, are you teaching a unit or lesson that includes racism, prejudices and stereotyping? Secondly, you looking to teach your students more about being tolerant of others, whether it comes to a bystander situation or someone of another race, religion or culture?

Check out these three activities on teaching students all about tolerance.  These activities dive deeply into bystanders, victims and oppressors. Also, it is accompanied by stereotyping, scapegoating, prejudices, discrimination and tolerance.  Your students will learn all about these terms, participate in activities which identify these different terms, and participate in an activity called, “Cross the Line”.

This products includes- 3 Informative Activities- Bystanders, Victims & Oppressors; Prejudices & Stereotyping; Cross the Line Activity

Walking in Someone Else’s Shoes

Product Description:

This activity focuses on COMPASSION & EMPATHY. It gives gentle reminder of how everyone needs to spend more time thinking and understanding others. Reminding our students to perspective-take and put themselves in another’s situation is an important character trait as they mature into young adults.

This activity will give your students the opportunity to look into one another’s lives and hearts with an understanding of how each of our lives is different and often challenging.

Resources for Teaching Tolerance & Acceptance

*Teaching Tolerance

*Teacher Planet Tolerance Lessons

*Education World-Teaching Tolerance

*Multiculturalism & Diversity

I hope you find all of this information helpful for yourself and your classroom.

I would love to hear how you are incorporating diversity and tolerance lessons in your classroom. E-mail me at englishohmy@gmail.com.

Follow me on Pinterest for more lesson ideas and activities.

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